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  1. Conception en forme de U : La conception en forme de U à l'extrémité avant permet d'aspirer efficacement l'eau nasale du bébé sans absorber la muqueuse nasale et causer des blessures.

  2. Conception inclinée du tube d'aspiration : La conception inclinée du tube d'aspiration permet d'atteindre facilement le nez du bébé sous n'importe quel angle.

  3. Matériau doux : Le matériau du tube d'aspiration nasal est assez doux. Même si le bébé bouge pendant l'aspiration, cela n'endommagera pas son nez.

  4. Dispositif anti-retour : Ce dispositif est équipé d'un dispositif anti-retour, ce qui évite à la personne qui aspire de respirer les sécrétions nasales du bébé.

Caractéristiques :

  • Matériau : PP alimentaire + silicone
  • Taille : 21*3.2CM
  • Couleur : rose, bleu, orange, beige

Instructions :

  1. Insérez le tube d'aspiration dans la bouche, soulevez le bébé, insérez le tube d'aspiration dans les narines du bébé et aspirez doucement le mucus nasal.
  2. Si l'eau nasale se solidifie et se condense, ne forcez pas. Réchauffez d'abord le nez avec une serviette chaude, puis aspirez doucement l'eau nasale du bébé.

Contenu de l'emballage : 1 * Aspirateur nasal

Q: Can I change my order info? Such as receiving address or item purchased?
A: Order info cannot be changed after being placed. Please cancel your order and place a new one if order info is incorrect. Otherwise your parcel is going to be shipped according to the initial order info.
Q: Why isn’t my order being shipped out of China?
A: If there is no further tracking info after 10 days. It is most likely due to domestic shipping issue.?For further support, please contact our customer service.
Q: Why is my parcel still “delivering”?
A: International shipment can be time-consuming and your patience is appreciated. Please rest assured if you see no update about your parcel. We use AliExpress shipping methods which can take 15 to 60 days.?For further support, please contact our customer service.
Q: Why do I receive a different product?
A: Please contact our customer service directly for further support.
Q: Why do I receive only 1 item while several were purchased in the first place?
A: One order can possibly be shipped via several parcels with each of them a unique tracking number. Please track them according to the specific tracking number(s). Please contact our customer service directly for further support.
Q: I clicked “Confirm Goods Received” before the parcel is received. What should I do?
A: Don’t worry if you clicked it by accident. Your parcel is shipped soonest possible anyway. Simply follow the tracking number for update. A 5-star review is much appreciated upon receiving your parcel.
Q: What should I do if my order is closed?
A: Please place a new order with a secure account and payment method.
Q: What if the product cannot be used?
A: Please ensure the product is used properly according to the user manual.?For further support please contact our customer service directly.
Q: I haven’t received my parcel yet but it shows “delivered” on the order detail page. What should I do?
A: Please check with your local post first for the parcel info. For further support, please contact our customer support.
Q: Why is my parcel returned?
A: That’s because receiving address or phone number being incorrect or the logistics company cannot ship to your address.?Please reach out to our customer service directly if the issue persists.

Newborn Baby Nasal Aspirator for Children Nose Cleaner Sucker Suction Tool Protection Health Care Baby Mouth Nasal Suction Devic


Aspirateur Nasal pour nouveau-né

8,00 €Prix
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